Category: James Porteous

Read: The Last Record Album – read and review for free

Watch: Portland (Tuesday 3:12 AM)

Three Books by James Porteous

The Pesky Twists and Turns of Proxy Wars

Our Violence Begets Violence

Do we have the media we deserve?

UPDATE: Why We All Should Mark the Passing of Shireen Abu Akleh

The Wars for Oil: When you Live by the Sword…

Backstory: A Short History of Faces

The Fan that Would Not Stop

Backstory: Why is modern ‘war coverage’ so confusing?

The Julian Assange Extraordinary Rendition Tour

Opinion: As the ‘Ukraine Crisis’ Replaces ‘Covid Hysteria,’ What Now?
![Air pollution from fossil fuels accounted for 8.7 million deaths globally in 2018 alone, a new study ... [+] HINDUSTAN TIMES VIA GETTY IMAGES](https://i0.wp.com/clippermedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/https___specials-images.forbesimg.com_imageserve_60234ec0e6152405fd6d09b5_Dense-Fog-Engulfs-Delhi-NCR-Air-Quality-Dips-To-Severe-Zone_960x0-1.jpg_fitscale.jpg?resize=450%2C450&ssl=1)
This is the New Normal. Corporations are in charge of the Next Wave

The Snapple-Apple Crew is Requesting Your ‘Two-X-factor Verification Authentication Code’ Now

Photos: 17 May 2021

Photos: 10 May 2021

Review: The Trial of the Chicago 7