Oh Mercy quickly became a ‘midnight album.’ Dylan only wanted sessions at night.
13 April 2021 | Clipper Media
Here is a great collection of one-on-one interviews with Daniel Lanois, talking about his work in the studio with Bob Dylan, recording Oh Mercy and and Time Out of Mind.
Peter Stone Brown was a singer-songwriter and freelance writer. He was music editor for a Philadelphia alternative weekly, and hosted radio shows.
He wrote for CounterPunch, American Songwriter and contributed to Bobdylan.com and has featured in the New York Times.
His debut album Up Against It was on the Americana Chart and featured on roots-music stations across the U.S and Europe.
Peter died on October 5th 2019.

Oh Mercy
Produced by Daniel Lanois
Recorded by Malcolm Burn with Mark Howard
Mixed by Malcolm Burn / Daniel Lanois
Studio Installation by Mark Howard
Mastered By Greg Calbi at Sterling Sound, New York
Street Art by Trotsky
Album Design by Christopher Austopchuk
Type Design by Mark Burdett
Photo: Suzie-Q