Are you rich enough? Strong enough? Bad-assesd enough? It is time to stop mucking about and just get that damn doomsday bunker built?
Photo: Image: Brian McGowan / Unsplash
03 April 2022 | James Porteous | Clipper Media News
The 1951 Civil Defense Film, ‘seen by millions of schoolchildren in the 1950s,’ was the cornerstone of the US US government’s “duck and cover” public awareness campaign, showing them how easy it would be to survive a nuclear war.
Doomsday Architecture: Your Guide to Life in the Almost-Hereafter
03 May 2021 | Emilie Gambade | Daily Maverick
From the beginning of times, humans have tried to find or build shelters to protect themselves from harsh weather, potential predators, invaders and enemies.
Now, the fear of economic collapse, world nuclear wars, civil unrest, a natural disaster or the next pandemic, is driving more people to buy or build their very own bunker.
Doomsday architecture: A house six feet under (Part One of Three
From the beginning of times, humans have tried to find or build shelters to protect themselves from harsh weather, potential predators, invaders and enemies.
Now, the fear of economic collapse, world nuclear wars, civil unrest, a natural disaster or the next pandemic, is driving more people to buy or build their very own bunker.
After months of lockdown and a pandemic that ravaged the world, some people – especially those with a lot of cash – are considering bunker architecture for their next home.
Your own private underground bunker: the how and how-much (Part Three of Three)
In part one and two of this series we looked at a new trend of home bunkers built on former military grounds and what it would potentially mean for humans to live in confined spaces and underground condominiums for long periods.
And if you’re still keen to splash some cash on your own private bunker, here is how.
The Fake Empire by James Porteous
The Good Lord is so fed up with his flock of Hapless Humans.
They have destroyed the planet and now The Davos Dandies are building hundreds of Freedom Bunkers to shield the 1% and ‘preserve democracy.’ And their money. And their DNA.
Life must carry on for future generations. Life must somehow get ‘back to normal’ as they like to say.
There is no point in saving those left behind, the ones without stocks or investments or pristine DNA.
But the question remains: will they go gently into the endless dark night?