22 August 2021 | James Porteous | Clipper Media
There’ll be peace without end
Ev’ry neighbor a friend
With ev’ry man a King
(Castro Carazo / Huey P. Long)
By the time former Louisiana Governor and Senator Huey P. Long wrote the words ‘peace without end,’ he was well on his way to establishing a world of ‘fear without end.’
Long knew most citizens were quite happy to treat governments, corporations and the world of commerce as integral components of ‘human nature.’
Of course we now know they are fake worlds, built on carefully crafted fables of reconstruction, manipulation and propaganda, designed to divert public opinion and attention away from the one thing that truly matters: our human spirit.
I think and hope we are finally on the verge of rediscovering the power, the joy, the triumph, and the everlasting value of our true human nature.
In short, it is time to stop asking for ‘permission’ and start celebrating the rebirth of Life, Lust & Love.
He Said, She Said: Tales of Life, Lust and Love, a new collection of short fiction, celebrates the power and resilience of the human spirit.
What on earth are we waiting for?
Buy worldwide here

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Tales of Life, Lust and Love